1. I have learned that the Middle East can be very violent due to the unstable structure of some of the countries governments such as Iraq and Iran. I learned that
a lot of the reason for terrorist attacks against the US/Israel is because Israel is
believes that their land is their homeland where as the terrorists also
believe that Israel's land is their land and since we support Israel they also hate us. I have also learned what happened during 9/11 when two planes hit and destroyed the World Trade Center in New York, One plane crashed in a cornfield in PA because the passengers stopped the terrorists, and one crashed into the Pentagon and killed about 5 people.
2. When I think of what other people have to say about the Middle East I always hear things like how 9/11 was a major
tragedy or people think the US government set it up so more
people will want join the military. I have also heard of
allot of people complaining about the terrorist constant bombing attacks in the US. I also hear just people complaining the we are only over there to
steal their oil. Even though
a lot lot of people complain about it hardly anyone ever even lifts a finger to do anything about it.
3. When I think what terrorism is I think of one country using small or large bombings and shootings to try to intimidate or anger another country. Examples for this I think would be things like Iraqi suicide bombings against us or even the atom bomb we dropped on
Hiroshima in the 1945.
4. The Middle East and Terrorism have
a lot in
common in
today's society because
a lot of terrorist acts come from Middle Eastern Countries such as Iraq and Iran. Even though they do
alot of terrorism today they are not
nesiciarily the only area that does terrorism because I consider bombing attacks the US,
Brittin, and
ect. as acts of terrorism because even though they may have been for a good cause but it still is
aggresive bombing and violence.