Sunday, December 19, 2010

Be Safe, Eat Pork!
Alabama store owner, Chuck Biddenger put this slogan up on his sign for a local repair company. "BBQ PORK RESTAURANT IS SAFEST NO MUSLIMS INSIDE". Apparently Muslims do not eat pork, so there would never be any inside the restaurant. Sadly, for every one negative comment Chuck says he gets ten positive responses. He will not apologize or take it down.
So, here in America freedom of speech can be taken to a level that does offend certain people or groups of people. What does something like this teach little kids or anyone for that matter? To spread hatred and cause harm. Exactly what Mr. Biddenger says the Muslims are doing in our country. Maybe he should think twice about putting up signs like this.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


This article shows a personal example of just how horribly some people from America treat Muslims. Not only just adults are doing this but, they have their children involved now. In the beginning of the article a women was talking about how her son was getting bullied to the point where he was having nightmares and wanting to change his religion. That's just how cruel people are being. Was he the one that crashed a plane into the Twin Towers? No. He shouldn't be getting put down simply because he is Muslim. The person who wrote this article has a fear that when his child is born that he will face his own problems when he goes to school. He says that somehow to a million Americans his baby will look like Osama Bin Laden just because he is Muslim.

He then talks about more racism. He gives an example about how if an armed 5 foot 11 man commits a robbery and it's aired on the news. You wouldn't expect every 5 foot 11 inch man out there to be the robber, that would be ridiculous. Then he asks why would he, a 5 foot 11 inch Muslim be held for the responsible for the actions (murders and terrorism) of some people who happen to share the same faith as him? That's racist and it's unfair to put a stereotype on all of these people.

In the end of the article he goes on to say that America is a place where people are from different backgrounds, racial, ethnic, national, & religion. Also, that America is a place where people maintain pride in their heritage and come together to build a new nation. He says he wants to be part of that and that millions of Muslims want to be apart of that nation. By shutting the Muslims out America is not only twisting their faith, but insulting the soul of this country.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I read an article about how "Muslims are taking over the world." The reason they think that is because the population has gone down with our own population, but the Muslim growth in different countries has gone up! They have more kids than we do so they start to think that Muslims are taking over the world; the reason is not that they want to outdo us with kids and slowly take over, it's because they want kids. They have more kids; it's what they do, and I am sure that some of them want to take over the world with their population. But for the most part, it's only because we don't have a lot of kids and they do, so they are growing in their countries.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


A mother that has a 7-year-old child said that he told her that he did not want to go to school anymore. You ask why? Well the reasoning is that his young peers are picking on him; they are calling him horrible names like “Terrorist,” “Osama,” “America-hater” ex. They also had been kicking him and pushing him down on the playground! In regards of this he also started to have nightmares again. This kid seriously told his mother that he did not want to be Muslim anymore, did not want to pray, fast, he also wanted to change his name.

Now some families are worried for their children in the future because they say that their baby will look like Osama bin Laden to millions of Americans. She says that she keeps on having panic attacks because of the hatred in this country.

People are saying, “why should I be responsible for something I didn’t do” they are saying that because people are criticizing them because for what the Terrorist did on 9/11. The discrimination against Muslims in the United States has increased science 9/11 because when the two planes hit it was the terrorists fault that Muslims got the reputation they have now, people think that oh you’re a terrorist because you are Muslim and that is why it has increased because people assume things. How can we decrease prejudice and discrimination against Muslims in the United States? Well I think that we can actually get taught in school or around us, in some way to really say that we don’t have to hate every Muslim that walks by, and teach them that not all Muslims are terrorists.

My opinion on this is that it is just rood! Because the people are right “why should they be responsible for something they didn’t do” I mean yea it was their same culture that did that but it was not every Muslim that did that on 9/11. Allot of this is bulling in my eyes and no one should be able to do that. This is just like you getting picked on for looking different. Would you like that? I think not, no one would and I know that I wouldn’t like it. Like if they look like someone that did someone then would you just go and beat them up? no because that is not the right thing to do. Yes the Muslims of 9/11 should have not done that and yes it was totally wrong but we shouldn’t go blaming all the others that did not participate in it they got affected by it too and they still are.



This video was the first to pop up so i watch it and shows a women dressed as a muslim go into a donut shop, In the begining I saw a man who was not muslim get donuts but then the women that was dressed as a muslim was completly denied service just because she was a muslim. This video definitly shows what we amercans do to these people who are not so different from us because we were in a search for a new life and we found america where everybody is free.


The video i picked was how Muslims are treated in the U.S. A women that dressed up as a Muslim went into a bakery. A man walked in before her and got what he needed. Then the women who was dressed up as a Muslim went in and got denied to get served there because she wasn't dressed right. The guy who owned the store said he wouldn't serve Muslims in his store. There was another girl that was a Muslim but wasn't dressed like a Muslim and he said she could get served. He said he wouldn't served anyone that was dressed like a Muslim. Many people got upset and said they wouldn't go there ever again because he wouldn't serve a person who wasn't dressed like an American. This video shows how Muslims are treated in the United States.


This article is a blog written by a muslim who feels the discrimination on her own skin, but also talks to other muslims whose children are being bullied in school. The children are being threatened that much, that they wish to give up on their muslim faith and want their parents being "normal" and do not present themselves as muslims. The teachers in school are not concerned about it and they don't do anything to prevent the muslim kids from being bullied. The author of the blog provides examples of the several cases of which she has heard that muslim children in the schools were being bullied by their classmates and being called names like "Osama", "America-hater" or "terrorist". The author believes that considering all muslims being terrorists is the same as considering all five-foot-eleven-inch tall people robbers, if an armed robbery was commited by a five-foot-eleven-inch tall person. There has been a significant rise in the discrimination of Muslims in the U.S. after the September 11th. We may ask a question why is it so? Maybe because people in the U.S. are judgemental and they are able to judge the whole race of people all the whole religion, because of the acts of one extremists terroristic group. Or people are so easily influenced by the media and the other people and they create a stereotype about the whole Muslim population and treat the moderate Muslims the same way as if they were responsible for the attacks themselves. When people are scared, like people who saw what happened on the 9/11 they start to feel hate and fear and blame other people and they subconsciously join together against the "potential threat" which is in this case the whole Muslim population that is where the collective reaction takes place. We could decrease prejudice and discrimination against Muslims if we learned more about their religion and the whole Middle-East. It's a good idea to make the subjects "Middle East and Terrorism" obligatory, to make sure that kids in school learn more about Muslims and Islam and understand that they are not all terrorists and learn to respect them as equal. Teachers should teach the kids the history of the Middle East and introduce the religion of Islam to them, so they can understand that the terroristic attacks are being committed by just a small extremist group of Muslims and the moderate Muslims has nothing to do with it. This is the best was to prevent the discrimination of Muslims, because the ignorance of the american nation towards their history and their religion is their greatest enemy.


I read an article that stated a few cases in which Muslims were discriminated against. Case #1: Bay area, CA: a Muslim women received a death threat from a co-worker. her supervisors treated it as just a joke. she then left her job because she no longer felt safe working there. Case #2: Cupertino CA: A 34 year old Jordanian-American technician was fired from his job of seven months making computer circuit boards. The week before September 11th, his weekly evaluation was positive, as usual. Then the day after the terrorist attacks, his boss required him to report where he was every half-hour. After a week he lost his job in a series of layoffs. Even thought there were other layoffs, the company kept technicians with less seniority then his. Case #3: Fontana, CA: A Muslim high school senior was working at a fast food restaurant, was the repeated target of bias joked from both his co-workers and his manager. At first just his co-workers taunted him about why his "cousins" destroyed the world trade center. He was then fired later on.
This article is talking about how Muslims are fired from their jobs for no reason at all. How they are treated unfairly at their jobs, "having to report where you are every 30 minutes." Then being fired for minor things. They look for reasons to fire them. They also should not have taken the death threats as a joke, they should never be taken as a joke. It was threatening another persons life, they should have reported it so she could have kept her job. Innocent Muslims are being blamed for the act of others and i don't think its fair at all. They should not be blamed as a whole. They didn't do anything as that one person, they shouldn't be blamed for another persons actions of the same religion.

KYLE GARDNER This video shows job discrimination in the U.S. Muslims are being harrassed in the work place. They are not being allowed to pray during work hours, women have to remove thier head scarfs.

1. People have seen what the media wants them to see so people assume thats what they all think.

2. We could try to stop the media from discriminating muslims in the U.S,


The article I read is about Muslims dealing with the rising discrimination at work. It starts off saying that co-workers are calling Muslims terrorists and Osama, and they are also not allowed to wear head scarves or take prayer breaks in some work places. It also says that complaints were increasing even before the Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan was planned to be built. By September 30th, 2009 there was already 803 complaints filed. According to federal data, it had gone up 20% since 2008, and nearly 60% since 2005. They are not giving out how many complaints that have been filed this year until January 2011, but Islamic goups suggest that the number will set another record. The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has found some complaints with such big concern, that they have filed quite a few lawsuits for the Muslim workers. In August 2010, the EEOC sued JBS Swift, a meatpacking company. They sued them because 160 Somali immigrants said supervisors and co-workers swore at them because they were Muslim, threw meat, blood, and bones at them, and interrupted their prayer breaks. On September 1st, the EEOC filed a case against Abercrombie and Fitch, accusing them of not hiring an 18 year old girl who was Muslim, because she was wearing a headscarf. The rising number of complaints about Muslims is higher now than it was after 9/11. Mohammad Kaleemudding, a Pakistani immigrant who drove trucks for the American war effort in Iraq for 3 years, said that while he was working in Houston for a construction company, he was called Osama, al Qaeda, Taliban, and terrorist. After protesting against the slurs, he was fired by the company. He said he woners why they are doing that, when he has always been nice to them. He then filed a complaint and the EEOC sued the company, who then had to pay him $61,250. Imane Boudlal, a 26 year old woman from Calablanca, Morocco, worked for 2 years at the Storytellers Cafe in Disneyland in Anaheim, California. She decided to wear her hijab during Ramadan while working, and then her supervisors told her she could either work in the back or the telephone job. She said no and hasn't been to work since. The Disney officials said that the head scarf clashed with the early 1900's theme of the restaurant, and so they suggested a hat more of that time period that fell over here ears. She rejected the hat, saying that they wanted to hide the fact that she was a Muslim. A Disney spokesman said that the company has made over 200 accommodations since 2007.



This article has two stories about Muslims being discriminated at their work place. A man was harassing a Tunisian waiter and Hadji asking the man to leave but instead the restaurant's owner asking Hadji to apologize or to leave. Another case similar to that was about a woman being called "Mrs.Bin Laden".

I think discrimination has increased since then because some people think that all Muslims are terrorist and are gonna blow everything in their path. Also people don't understand Muslims and their religion, they think that they all come from the part of the religion that has become bad, when they aren't all from that one bad part.

I think the best way is to try to teach people about the middle east and terrorism and try to explain to them that not all Muslims are bad, and that their religion is not right or whatever. But most people wont listen to that, people will think what they want to think, and sometimes we just can't change their mind. So i don't know a way that could possible help out, that's the only way but like i said, people will think what they want to think.


In the following video, Barrack Obama gives a speech in Cairo, Egypt saying that he plans to make the relationship between Muslims and Americans stronger. A man named Youssef Megahed is imprisoned and the US plans to deport him out of the US. Youssef came to America with his family and their family STILL has pending applications to be American citizens that I believe the US will not give to them easily just because they are Muslims. The police stopped Youssef in a traffic stop one day, and I think it was out of nowhere or planned because they came with like machine guns and bullet proof vests just to pull over Youssef and his friend who was also in the car. And they tell us that there were objects in the trunk that they "believed" to be explosives. I think that’s just absurd. They held them both for 18 months until Youssef's friend accepted the plea bargain, probably from peer pressure or seeing he was not going to get out anytime soon, and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Now even though Youssef was not convicted of anything, the government is still threatening to kick him out of the country? For what reason exactly? He wasn’t even found guilty. And then of course not long later, they arrested him again for violating his "Immigration and Nationality Act". And I think it's completely absurd because they are trying to convict him of the same charges they tried to convict him earlier in the criminal trial. I believe that Muslims are on a certain scale discriminated a lot for the stupidest things. The main reason is because after the 9/11 attack, a lot of people are scarred that all Muslims are out to get them, or they're simply angry and don't want anything to do with Muslims. We can descrease the descrimination against Muslims if people would actually spend the time to come to learn and understand their religion, and possibly spend time with them. Muslims are not all bad, they're just feared and people don't like them.


This video is about ABC news when they do an experiment with a store clerk not serving a Muslim because of there religion and saying discriminating words. The purpose was to see what other customers in the store would react.

1. The reason there is descrimination is because people steriotype Muslims wether they are United States citizens or not by the things they see in movies and on the news about suicide bombers and all Muslims want to kill westerners because they are infidels. What people dont know is that Islam is a peaceful religoin.

2.There isn't much that we can do that would be succesful because too much steriotyping has convinced people and it would be very hard to change peoples way of thinking.


I chose an article from the New York Times about discrimination against muslims in their work places. The article was basically explaining that from 2005 to 2009 it went up 60%. They included some examples:

Abercrombie & Fitch- for refusing to hire an 18 year old muslim boy for wearing a head scarf.

Sheraton Hotel- for taunting a customer.

1.) I think that discrimination against muslims has increased in the United States since 911 beause people were confused and scared.



I chose an artcile about a 24 year old women who was part of an experiment created by a women from the university of California. This women is using a fake muslim name and her goal is too see if she can get a job. The women who conducted this experiment found that muslims are two and a half times less likely to get a job interview than a Christian.

Also in this article it said that in France , the senate voted to ban women from wearing islamic face-veils in public and Swiss voters approved of an amendment to band the building of new mosques.

1.) I think that discrimination against the muslims in america has increased since 9/11 because of 9/11. Most Amerians blame all of the muslim race for what happened that day instead of just the radicals. I think for Americans, it is much easier for citizens to discriminate against all muslims because they dont know the difference between radical and moderate muslims and they cant tell the difference between them.

2.)Im not really sure how we can decrease the disrimination or prejudice of muslims. I have a feeling that it may be like this for awhile until at least the war is over.


Two women were denied jobs in a Dearborn, Michigan McDonalds because they refused to take their headscarf (hijad) off. The two women then sued the McDonalds on a $10 million discrimination charge. This has happened many times at this McDonalds before.

The two women were hurt and said they were "hurt, disturbed, and confused that THIS would happen in a place like Dearborn, where there are many Muslims."

1. Discrimination has increased because the Radicals were the ones who blew up the towers, but no one knew of the difference so all Muslims got discriminated.

2. We can change it if we tell people that it was the Radicals and its them who we are against, and not the peaceful Moderate Muslims.


A young mother said her child, which was seven years old, didn't want to go to school because people were calling him names like terrorist. They were pushing and kicking him. He started having nightmares and didn't want to pray or be a Muslim anymore. When she told teachers about it they didn't care and said her son was making it up. Muslim parent are afraid of what their children are going to go through. They are having an irrational fear of hatred because they are Muslim.
Discrimination has increased in the United States since 9/11 because people think that all Muslims are terrorists. People think that since some Muslims crashed the planes that all the Muslim people should be blamed for it. Ways we can decrease discrimination against Muslims is to try to tell people that not all Muslims are bad.


In the article that I have read it states that a man by the name of Juan Williams made a lot of discriminating comments about Muslims on the TV series The O'Reilly Factor on Fox news. some of his remarks where "I mean, look, Bill, in not a bigot. You know the kinds of books I've written on the Civil Rights movement in this country. But when I get on a plane, I've gotta tell you, when i see people in Muslim garb, and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried, I get nervous." In a previous interview on the same show he got in trouble with NPR the company he works with for making rude comments about Michell Obama, but this wasn't enough to get him fired. after the interview on Bill O'Reilly he was fired from NPR by Ellen Weiss (Senior Vice President) of NPR and Juan said to Ellen when he was fired that " I said, you mean i don't get a chance to come in and we do this eyeball-to-eyeball, Person-to-Person, Have a conversation? I've been here for more than 10 years." Ellie Weiss responded "Theres nothing you can do that will change my mind." in the interview Williams stated that whenever a Muslim gets on a plane people get nervous because of 9/11 they think that they will blow buildings and planes up. My personal opinion on this is that i think Juan should have kept things to himself and not say them in the public, I also think that everyone one has a little Muslim phobia in them if not then well that's fantastic. Also discrimination has increased ALOT because of 9/11 now everyone stereotypes them as crazy goons running through the streets with towels on there head with an AK-47 screaming Allah. That's obviously not the truth because if people where like that then well it would be easy to distinguish who's a Muslim extremist and who's not. I think that if America was more accepting and such then we wouldn't have issues like this of course I'm not saying that we aren't accepting but if you look at the videos that a few people posted on here its clear as daylight that people are not accepting of Muslims but who can blame them we where attacked by them they flew airplanes into our buildings killed tons of people but if you alienate them will that solve anything? There is clearly not a solution to solve this and if there is I cant think of one.



So in this article I found is about an act of discrimination against a young Muslim child. A boy no older then the age of seven was being harassed for multiple reasons by class mates. Certainly one of the reasons this child was picked on was because of his religion. The boy wanted to abandon his religion and his culture because of the fear he felt while at school. I'm sure his family encouraged him to keep his faith and to stay strong. The boy would also have nightmares and it effected his education; he was afraid to go to school. The boy was probably singled out by his name and appearance.

I think discrimination against Muslims in the United States has increased since 9/11 because people in the United States had always felt secure and since 9/11 that has all been blown apart. The United States is continuing to proceed with caution. Citizens of America feel that they need to be on guard. Since 9/11 people have began to look at people from the Middle East as a potential threat.

I think creating the Islamic Center would be a good way for people to be exposed to the Islamic people and their religion. In conclusion ignorance breeds fear.

Joshua Sharpe

I watched a video on YouTube showing discrimination of American Muslims called abc Primetime - How Muslims Are Treated In USA. ABC sent an actress dressed as a Muslim into a bakery to see how people would react to her being denied service due to her religion. During this experiment 12 people defended the girl saying the bakery was racist and discriminatory and they would never go back again. But, 6 people told the employee that he was a good American doing a good job and one man even gave him a thumbs up twice. What seemed most shocking to ABC was that 22 people just stood by and did nothing as if they didn't agree with a Muslim shopping their but just didn't want to say anything. Discrimination has been increasing since 9/11 because what originally started out as probably a few thousand discriminators grew to probably more than a few million because of constant attacks by Al-Qadea and other terrorist groups and people blaming moderate Muslims for radical actions. I think the best way to reduce discrimination is by getting rallies with popular and famous celebrates talking to people against discrimination because allot of the time people listen to celebrates and they tend to be more likely to copy them.


Link For Article

A 7 year old boy was getting picked on at school, kids were calling him "terroists" "Osama" "american hater"; they'd even push him oe even kick him. The little boy started having nightmares. He hated being a Muslim for this reason.

He wanted all the Muslim traditions to stop. He wanted to change his name...even his teachers were saying the boy was making it up and that it wasn't as bad as her was saying it was. Some people were comparing this to the problem with the blacks. A mother that is pregnant now, said she is worried that her child will be bullied all his life, or that he will forever look like Osama to Americans.

He gave the example, " If you see an armed robber suspect on the evening news who happens to be five foot eleven inches, you do not expect every person who is the same height to be armed robber." Americans probably wouldn't even acknowledge them. But if it was a Muslim, we'd stop them for sure and say mean things. It isn't fair to them as they just want to live freely.

He was saying, that there are many nations with a dark side, so why is it okay to twist Muslim? He also said, "isn't there many different ethnic groups? So why can't we just live in peace? They all want to be part of this nation, the people who are shutting them out, aren't only twisting their faith, their insulting the soul of this country."

Descrimination against Muslims in the U.S. has increased since 9/11 because I think people now days think every Muslim is a terroist. They just assume, even though most Muslims had absolutely nothing to do with it. Most Muslims were in just as much of danger as the Americans were with terroism. So I don't understand why americans are so against them, they should be able to live freely too.

We can decrease prejudice and discrimination against Muslims by just letting them get on with life without them hearing name calling constantly, and getting shoved around. Their people too, and if you were them, you wouldn't want to be treated the way they get treated. The terroist attack with even just the 9/11, affected even the Muslims too. They lost love ones, and were hurt by it too. Pretty much Americans just treat them like they aren't even human.


Basically this is a video made by one of the news stations to act out discrimination within the U.S and see what the general public would do. Some people don't care, enjoy the fact that they are discriminating against them and some get really angry that they are doing it. The first person they view is happy that the man behind the counter is not allowing the Muslim woman to buy from his store. Then as it goes along there are people that don't care/ are not affected. But we soon see a few woman and men that get really upset about them acting against the Muslim woman and speak up against the man behind the counter. But all in all it is a good example of prejudice and racism against Muslims within the United States.

I believe its increased because many people blame the religion itself rather then the people that caused the attack. We need to remember that radical Islam is no longer just a religion, its political as well. Many people feel that the Muslims cause all of these problems we have with terrorists, and the entire U.S was astonished when they attacked the twin towers. So now people feel that its okay to treat anyone who is Muslim, like they are worthless and stuff like that, and its truly wrong.

I believe the only true way to reduce prejudice is to put the other people in their shoes. Make a law against racism and prejudice, and let the sentence be live the other persons life for 30 days like they did in the movie. So long as prejudice, hatred, racism are allowed, people will continue to act upon it towards Muslims. But if they were to live as a Muslim, in the other persons shoes for a period of time, they will begin to understand about the Muslims and why it is wrong to discriminate against them for no reason at all.


Muslims Discriminated Harshly

Muslims all over America are discriminated and patrinized for 9/11, even though most of them are American born citizens. Here are some numerous cases of discrimination agaisnt muslims in the US. A woman in California recieved death threats from a co-worker and the people in the office thought it was funny. Is that really what America is becoming ? So angry at muslims to laugh at them when someone threatened to kill them ? Everyone knows if that were a christian or anyone else that person who sent deaththreats would be in jail and fired from their job. But, instead the mulsim women was laighed at adn end up quiting her job. Here's another case , a women converted to Islam (not even of muslim ethnicity) and the hospital she worked at people said she was "offensive" and that if she didnt wear her hijab that everything would be ok. I could go on for years with millions of discriminations against the muslim people. Vandilism, racism and discrimantion are things muslim people have to endure on a day to day basis. Is that what we want people to think about America? The country that is racist agaisnt muslims?


Parents who profess the Islamic faith and have their children profess the Islamic faith or look like like "a terrorist" are scared to send their child to school. These Muslim children are now being bullied by the other children in the school. The bullys push the kid down and even kick him. They call him names such as terrorist, osama, and America hater. When the parents asked the teachers about this. They did nothing. The teachers even said that the child was making it up. It sounds that the child and parents are being discriminated against because of their religion or how they look. It sounds absurd that even in America we still have these acts of atrocity. This is discrimination in its finest form. People are blaming everyone in the Islamic faith for they events of 9/11. If a select group of catholics did that. No one would discriminate against them. It's absurd. This article was informative of what one family struggles through. Its discrimination and it needs to stop.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Since the attacks of September 11, 2001 Muslims in the United States have faced an increased amount of discrimination (unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice - an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics).  In the next week we will be discussing the impact that 9/11 has had for Muslims in the United States.  You are responsible for completing the following:
  • Do a search for either an article or a video that describes an example of discrimination against a Muslim or Muslims in the United States.  
  • You must either post a video or include a link for an article in order to earn full credit.  You may use YouTube, news stations, PBS, or other resources for your video.  Please make sure that your video or article is from a valid source.
  • If you post a video you must summarize the information from your video in your original post.
  • If you post a link to an article you must summarize the article in your original post. If you choose to post an article you must also post a picture to include in your original post.
  • Your original post must be written as any other essay would be written.  Check spelling, grammar, etc. 
  • In addition to a summary of the news story you must answer the following questions in your original post:
    • Why has discrimination against Muslims in the United States increased since 9/11?  Remember what we have talked about in class regarding stereotypes, collective reactions, etc.
    • How can we decrease prejudice and discrimination against Muslims in the United States?  Provide specific and realistic suggestions.
In addition, you must respond to two of your peers' posts with comprehensive comments.  Do not simply state that they did a nice job.  The purpose of the peer response is for you to provide your reaction to the discrimination described in your peers' summary.  Your original post is due by the end of class.  If you can complete your peer posts by the end of class that is fantastic!  If not, the two peer posts will be due by Thursday, December 16th at 11:59 p.m.

Instructions for embedding a video, including a link for a video, and posting a picture:

Embedding a video:  If you embed a video the video will be included in your post and readers of your post will be able to watch the video straight from Blogger.

1.  Click the "embed" button, usually located underneath the video if in YouTube.
2.  The box below the video will highlight a long code.
3.  Copy the code.
4.  In Blogger, click on the HTML tab seen at the top, right hand corner of the box in which you are writing your blog.  Paste the code into the HTML box.  Then go back to the compose box by clicking the "compose" tab at the top right hand corner of the box in which you are writing your post.  ALWAYS POST YOUR VIDEO FIRST.  This way you can write underneath the video.

Including a link for a video/article:  The video link should be done if there is no way that you can embed a video.

1.  Type "LINK FOR VIDEO" or "LINK FOR ARTICLE" in your original post.
2.  Highlight the URL for the link of the news report.
3.  In your Blogger composition box highlight  the words "LINK FOR VIDEO" or "LINK FOR ARTICLE".
4.  Click the Link button at the top of the composition box.
5.  Paste your URL into the web address box.
6.  Click OK.

Including a picture: ALWAYS POST YOUR PICTURE FIRST.  This way you can write underneath the video.

1.  Choose an image and download your image in "My Pictures".
2.  Click the photo with a picture frame at the top of the composition box.
3.  Choose your file (image) and add the selected picture to your original blog.

Use your time wisely so that you do not have homework.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Dan Masse

What i know of the Middle East is not alot all i know is that it is mostly a muslim Nation. The taliban took it over and took peoples rights and made life miserable causing people to revolt, Also the President of Iran is a denier of the Holocaust and is very evil. I also think that the media makes things worse they say what the governtment wants you to know and says nothing about the truth beccasue our television viewing and stuff is controlled by the government and not saying that what the media says isnt true but its only true to an extent the government likes to hide it. Terrorism as i would define it use of force to scare a nation and make peoples points get across its a hash topic to talk about because everyone has there opinion on things. People also tend to hype things up by saying 9/11 was an inside job but honestly its not really because why would the government create catastophies it doesnt make sense. Im hoping to learn in this class is the methods of terrorists and to get the real facts on the Middle East.

Monday, November 8, 2010

What I've learned about the middle east is that's where we get our oil from. Also its where are troops are at and been fighting for about 6 years. I have heard that they have a different way of practicing religion they have to go to Mecca at least once a year. From what I've heard is people that think of the middle east they automatically think of terriorists and they say all of them are bad. Its like were being too hypocrite because we are saying that people in the middle east are bad but the truth is there are bad people in the United States we just dont think of as much as we'd like to. I think terriorism is starting a mutiny then it leads to an anarchy which leads to rebillion against a country and commiting crimes that are illegal. What I think they have to do is since the people of the middle east think that we have commited bad crimes against them which we probably did, but mainly we just think of the muslims to be terrorists because it's shown on tv stating that those people are bad.


I don't remember very much about the Middle East. I know that the middle east is mostly built of 3 religions such as: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. The temples in the middle east are built off of each other. In the beginning their religions were closely related and then they started to change. Since all 3 religions claim the area, they are constantly fighting. The US is currently supporting Israel, which could be making the Muslims or certain Islamic groups mad. Which could be a major reason for terrorist attacks on the US.

Most of the things i have heard people talk about the middle east was concerning oil. Some people have said peace is right around the corner in the Middle East. They don't have very strong central government in the Middle East, they're not a very well organized government. Its a very tribal area, they have been at war for a long time. The people themselves don't have very much say in what happens there. People lose there homes, they are looking for someone who can help them.

Terrorism is when someone tries to gain control of something, to make you feel threatened and that they have power over you. During 9/11 they made everyone feel threatened by bombing our buildings, to scare or intimidate other people. They are bullying other people into doing as they want.

The middle east is has to do with terrorism because that's where a lot of the terrorists are coming from. Certain groups of people such as Islamic are trying to gain control of other countries such as the US. As an example as i previously mentioned the 9/11 attack on the twin towers. They were showing there power.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tyler Barney

1. I haven't learned much about the middle east, only about how the Muslims are trying to recreate the Holocaust over there and how they are launching Terrorist Attacks on us and other countries.
2. I have never once heard anyone say anything good about the middle east, most people say that they are terrorists and such and how much they wish we would nuke them and get it over with.
3. Terrorism in my opinion is the act or planning of killing of a specific ethnic group, race, religion, or country inhabitants without probable cause to give them the right to do so. I also would categorize it as the installment of terror within a group of people to put them under your will.
4. Personally i beleive they do not have much to do with eachother besides the fact that most of the attacks are from people who lived, live, or have been in the middle east. Besides that there would be nothing to link the two, our government i believe has put a little too much effort into getting us to believe what they want.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


If you're not completely brainwashed by the media or just completely ignorant this comic strip will make a lot of sense.

1.What I've learned about the Middle East is that it's a hot, dry desert with a bunch of "terrorists " hiding in spider holes which NOBODY can seem to find. The war is all about OIL, there is lots of it in the Middle East and that is why we are fighting over there, NOT because the "terrorists" "bombed" the world trade center but in the reality of that event it was planned by THE U.S. GOVERNMENT yes, that's right OUR "faithful","uncorrupt","caring" government was behind the whole damn thing but most people don't believe that because they've all been systematicaly brainwashed by the media or there are just too many ignorant people in this damn country.

2.what I have heard from others about the "WAR ON TERRORISM" is that it's about stopping terrorism, capturing osama bin laden, and because they bombed the world trade center which is a load because the media LIES. 3. What is terrorism? I'll tell you what it is it's a label that THE U.S. GOVERNMENT made up to justify what we're doing in the Middle East. well i've seen right through their LIES AND DECEPTION I know what this war is really about it's about OIL !!!!!! which is the worst reason to start a war!!!!!!!4. what the middle east and terrorism have to do with one another?.......absolutely nothing the U.S. GOVERNMENT decided to say that they were linked.


1.The term Middle East is used for defining a region that encompasses southwestern Asia and Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, The Caucasus, Central Asia and Northen Africa. This area is also a historical origin of religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity. The major population of Middle East is Islamic - Muslims. This area has in recent years also became a synonym of terrorism in America, since the September 11 and an islamic extremist and founder of an organization Al-Qaeda was accused of commiting this terroristic attack.
2. In Slovakia I don' t usually hear people talking about Middle East, only in content of joking about american paranoia of islamic terroristic attacks. There were no terroristic attacks from muslims in our country and I can' t understand why their only target is America. Maybe because American government wants to steal all their supplies of oil.
3. Terrorism is planned or constant use of terror.
4.As I already mentioned before Americans often connect terrorism and Middle East together, because of September 11. But not all the muslims are terrorist and not all the terrorists are muslims. I was never afraid of muslims before I came to America, but when I was leaving America two years ago and one muslim with a case was travelling with us, I was scared that he would blow our aeroplane up.


1. I haven't learned very much about the Middle East. I know that the terrorists live there. I learned that people crashed planes into buildings on Stepember 11.

2. I haven't heard much about the middle east. I have heard that terrorism is bad because they are trying to kill us.

3. Terrorism is when someone trys to corrrupt the government and kill us. This could happen when people try to send bombs over through airplanes or packages. Thats is all I really think terrorism is.

4.Middle East and terrorism have to do one another because most terrorist attacks have came from the Middle East.


Terrorist attack on Mumbai.
1. I have not really learned to much about the middle east. I know that Osama Bin laden was trained by our military. And that he tried 2 times to destroy the World trade center.
2.I have heard that it is getting worse there. That we are starting to pull out of Iraq. That we are training a militia in Iraq.
3. What i think terrorism is is that its a group of people that wants to get rid of a country or government. That they will do anything to get rid of them. They would attack anything of the country's trade or supplies going to the country.
4. That terrorists are mostly occupying the area of the middle east. That there is a abundance of oil there that other country's want. Thats there home land and they feel its threatend.


I remember learning about the Middle East, but I just dont remember much about it. I know terroism probably is going on there. But I don't remember anything, because it was last year when I last learned about it, and I mostly just forgot about it up until now.
I haven't heard really anybody talk about the middle east, other than my ss-9 teacher. She did talk alot about just describing a little about it, but that was a year ago, and I know things have changed. I've seen on the syllabus that it said all eyes have been on the Middle East. I think thats interesting, so something big must be going on over there.
Terroism is mostly a threat made to a country. It can cause people getting hurt, and being in danger. It is a very serious thing that people should be cautious about, because agian, people can get hurt. One example of what I know of terroism is the Twin Towers. That was a very huge deal. I remember I was at school when it happened. So many people were inside those two buildings, and I can't imagine what they felt when they heard or saw a plane coming towards them. Alot of people died from that terroist attack.
The Middle East and Terroism have to do with each other because there is probably terroism going on in the Middle East. I know there have been stories about things happening over there on the news and such. But again, I'm not completely positive with my answers. I did forget alot about what I learned with all this.


1.) I have only learned little bits and peices about the Middle East in certain classes that I have taken like Geography, Social Studies and a little bit in holocaust. I learned that one of the reasons why we went to war in the middle east is because of the oil they have in Iraq. I also learned that after 9/11 Osama Bin Laden became number one of the FBI's most wanted. But most of the other stuff that I know is only things I have been told by my mom, brother or seen on the news.

2.) I have heard a lot of dispute over weather we should still be in Iraq fighting or why we should not. I never really payed much attention but I see everyday on the news the people who have died or their vehicles been blown up by road side bombs. I've heard people saying that we're never going to get out of the middle east because we are after Osama Bin Laden. My mom told me that Osama Bin Laden is hiding in the mountains in Afghanistan and why we can't just go in there looking for him. I beleive she told me it's because were not aloud in Afghanistan, and even if we were, the mountains are huge, and the Afghanistan people would probally protect Osama Bin Laden anyways. She also said that there are lots and lots of tunnels that go through the mountains and so you would probally never find him if you tried. I also learned that when we went to Iraq, we caught the dictator Saddam Hussein and the people of Iraq made a public hanging of Hussein. I also remember something on the news of this man who got a video of the hanging with his cell phone. They were interrogating him weather he took the video for the news media or not. But all I knew was that we were not aloud to film the hanging.

3.) I beleive terrorism is an act of violence towards ones own goverment and country. Things like trying to form a group to overthrow their country's goverment or who are against their own country and cause havoc towards their country. I also beleive terrorism doesn't always have to be an act of violence like shootings and bombs against one's country. I think it can also be in polotics if they're is a political group attempting to overthrow the goverment through polotics. Other than that I cant really explain my view on terrorism better than that.

4.) The Middle East I think has had a lot of terrorism acts because of all the different religious groups there, there are the Jews, Muslims, Israelies, Palestinians, and many other different other religious groups. I think each religious group is trying to bring the middle east under one religion, therefore there has been a lot of conflict between them. I am also aware of the problem between the Israelies and the Palestinians, and their long history of who should control Israel, and that also the christians think that they should control Israel, so I think Israel is one of the most dangerous places to be, and is the sole center for where one might see and call it terrorism.


1: What i have learned about the Middle East: I don't know a whole lot about the Middle East. But i do know that it is a poor country, and that the Government got too much power. They tell the people how to dress, how to live, what to worship what to believe in.

I didn't really think much about it till 9/11 happened even though i was little it still upset me. Someone i knew died when the Twin Towers were bombed.

2: What I've heard about the Middle East: About of people i talked to about the Middle East said that 9/11 wouldn't have happened i it weren't for Bush. Other people said it was Clinton.

the middle east is a 3 world country with women that cant show their face and the children are suicide bombers.

3: What are Terrorists: Terrorists are people that like to Bomb and kill Americans and other people they hate. What they do is they they attack us and bomb Houses or City's or Towers or what ever. Just to make their Point that their better then us.

4:What do Middle East and Terrorism have to do with one another: Most Terrorists Live in the Middle East and we went to war with them so we worried mostly about the Middle East. And in poor country's with a Government with a lot of power they like to be in power and want to attack other country's so they can be top dog.


1. I haven't learned much about the Middle East. I've learned that they have a lot of conflict with their surrounding countries and also the United States. I have also learned that they are very religious. They have a very strong hatred for different religions and political views. I have learned that they think suicide and killing other people is basically ok to do, where as in the US most people think it's wrong, but still we continue to do it. I learned that on my 6th birthday, September 11th, 2001 terrorists took over different planes in the United States and crashed into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and somewhere in Pennsylvania.
  1. 2. I have heard people say so many different things about the Middle East. I have heard them say that the Middle East is horrible and they have a corrupt government and that we should just take them over. I have heard on the news that bombs have been found in different places in the world. I have heard that Osama bin Laden is alive hiding somewhere, and I have also heard that he's dead.

3. My definition of terrorism is when a group or even one person, goes somewhere and tries to kill people and may try to take over the government because of many different reasons.

4. The Middle East and terrorism have to do with one another because most of the terrrorism that has happened to the US has come from the Middle East. There is terrorism almost everywhere in the Middle East and that is also a link to why they are connected. We see pictures of people from the Middle East and they have "towel heads" and the people that have their arms or legs blown off from the suicide bombs. The news is focused on the terrorists from the Middle East so we think most of them are from there.


1. I don't know much about the Middle East and Terrorism, however, I have learned that the soldiers are over there fighting because of the oil. Other than that I haven't really learned much else so hopefully i get to learn more during this class. The reason why I don't know that much about it is because people that I know don't really talk about the war and what's going on in the Middle East.
2. Some things I've heard people say about the Middle East have to do with my first question. All I really know is, is why the war is going on. I'm pretty sure it's because we're fighting because of the oil. I'm sure there is other reasons to why the war is going on but I think that's the main reason. The other things that I hear come from the news. When I get the chance to watch it I do and most of the time there is something on that has to do with the war. Other than that I don't really ever hear much about what's going on The Middle East.
3. When I think of Terrorism I think of 9/11 and how we were attacked. I was only 6 or 7 when it happened so ever since then I've seen Terrorism as us being invaded by other countries that we are fighting in the war. I guess I see Terrorism as kind of a frightening thing, but thankfully we have people that have been protecting us a lot better since 9/11.
4. The Middle East and Terrorism go with each other. You can't think of one and not think of the other because we are fighting the war over there and that's where the terrorists are coming from, for the most part.


1. I have learned that the main terrorism threat to the US is from Iraq and Afghanistan. I have seen that we have blamed 9/11 on the Muslims and also the attack on the Pentagon. The Muslims and terrorists have majorly tried sending bombs to us through the mail and in car bombs. Some have been accomplished and others stopped. I've heard through the news that we have been arresting people that have had ties to Alcida and other terrorist plots.
2. There have been many things I've heard about the Middle East, some worse than others. Most people say the Muslims are dirty people and have no right to come to this country. Many things have been done to us that are because of the Terrorists and not many people like them. My opinion on the Middle East is that not all the people there are bad, just the ones who try and blow us up.
3. When I think of terrorism, I mainly think of 9/11 and people with turbans. I never really payed much attention to terrorism because of where we live and I never think they would plan to hit New Hampshire directly. The one thing that mainly comes to mind is people with big guns and are mainly, Muslim. The world around us mainly focuses terrorism on the Muslims and people from Iraq and Afghanistan, just because of our past with them. They have tried to come over here and blow up our buildings or kill our people, and I've never known why they hate us so much. People have said all we are doing is try to help and they pay us back by blowing up our buildings!
4. The Middle East and Terrorism have been said to go hand in hand. We have grown up to see the whole Middle East as terrorists to us and we should really be aware that they can nuke us at any time. Ever since 9/11, the Muslims have been on the United State's watch because when they took the Twin Towers down, that was a major tragedy. Many people were killed and that put a message in our heads saying "We aren't safe in this world.". The Middle East has mainly just grown in our minds to be dirty, horrible people and we should just be ready for what can happen. We have been in Iraq for quite a while and the population has been told we are trying to help them set up a new government. All we have been getting back is mail bombs and our troops killed. This mainly sends a message to the population that the Iraqi people are just horrible and they wont even let us help them. The overall view that I have for the Middle East and Terrorism is that all we get from the Middle East is war and people getting killed. Terrorism is just coming from the Middle East and we should get out of there now because all that we are doing is losing money and losing soldiers.


I have learned a few things about the middle east through a course I took last year called SS9. I don't remember much at all but when I do remember is that the Palestinians and Israelis were always at constant conflict. I know the Middle East consists of several different countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, and Jordan those are the only ones I remember at this point.

I've heard people say multiple things on many occasions ex specially about September 11 2001. "It's another terrorist act" "This will pass and get better over time" Most people I know shrug at the very thought of the Middle east because people automatically think of the Middle Eastern countries and think about terrorism and terrorist acts that have impacted the United States in previous years.

Terrorism to me is just one country that's angry or jealous of another country. I believe that one country thinks they are superior to the other country and they want to prove their point so they make threats against the other country to make them afraid and if that country is not afraid then they act on that threat .

Middle East and Terrorism are combined together as a unit because The Middle Eastern countries attack one another or even go attack other countries outside of the Middle East. Terrorism always has a face and a name and so do the Middle Eastern countries when I say that I mean there is a perpetrator with a purpose and a cause somewhere over in the Middle east but that's just my personal opinion.


I don't know a lot about the Middle East, or their people, but what i have seen of them, doesn't impress me in the least. Let's go back to September 11, 2001, 2,996 Americans were murdered and nearly the same were injured. That right there just proves that their way of life is violent and barbaric, those of terrorists. I don't know, but I think that it would be stressful having to worry about which one of your people is going to get blown up next, if it's going to be you or your friend. Also I know that in the Middle East they put woman under men. I don't know if this is true or not but i heard they make the woman cover pretty much every part of their body including their face, they can be arrested and sometimes even murdered if they don't. Also I've heard that they use babies and yuong children to blow up things in their attacks. Well to me these people describe my defination of terrorism, so that's what I think of them as.


1) I dont really no alot about the middle east and terorism. I dont know much because people really never talk about middle east and terrorism and if they do i probably dont pay attention.
2) I havnt heard much about the middle east because the people i hang around with dont talk about the middle east. Some things ive heard about the middle east is there having wars. The muslims dont like the americans they dont want them in there country.Thats probably about it. Im hoping i learn more about it while im in this class.

3)I dont really know alot about terrorism. when i thinabout terrorism i think about 9/11

4) I think it has to do with one another because the terrorist tht attacked the US
are from the middle east


1. I have learned that the Middle East can be very violent due to the unstable structure of some of the countries governments such as Iraq and Iran. I learned that a lot of the reason for terrorist attacks against the US/Israel is because Israel is believes that their land is their homeland where as the terrorists also believe that Israel's land is their land and since we support Israel they also hate us. I have also learned what happened during 9/11 when two planes hit and destroyed the World Trade Center in New York, One plane crashed in a cornfield in PA because the passengers stopped the terrorists, and one crashed into the Pentagon and killed about 5 people.

2. When I think of what other people have to say about the Middle East I always hear things like how 9/11 was a major tragedy or people think the US government set it up so more people will want join the military. I have also heard of allot of people complaining about the terrorist constant bombing attacks in the US. I also hear just people complaining the we are only over there to steal their oil. Even though a lot lot of people complain about it hardly anyone ever even lifts a finger to do anything about it.

3. When I think what terrorism is I think of one country using small or large bombings and shootings to try to intimidate or anger another country. Examples for this I think would be things like Iraqi suicide bombings against us or even the atom bomb we dropped on Hiroshima in the 1945.

4. The Middle East and Terrorism have a lot in common in today's society because a lot of terrorist acts come from Middle Eastern Countries such as Iraq and Iran. Even though they do alot of terrorism today they are not nesiciarily the only area that does terrorism because I consider bombing attacks the US, Brittin, and ect. as acts of terrorism because even though they may have been for a good cause but it still is aggresive bombing and violence.