Sunday, December 19, 2010

Be Safe, Eat Pork!
Alabama store owner, Chuck Biddenger put this slogan up on his sign for a local repair company. "BBQ PORK RESTAURANT IS SAFEST NO MUSLIMS INSIDE". Apparently Muslims do not eat pork, so there would never be any inside the restaurant. Sadly, for every one negative comment Chuck says he gets ten positive responses. He will not apologize or take it down.
So, here in America freedom of speech can be taken to a level that does offend certain people or groups of people. What does something like this teach little kids or anyone for that matter? To spread hatred and cause harm. Exactly what Mr. Biddenger says the Muslims are doing in our country. Maybe he should think twice about putting up signs like this.

1 comment:

  1. Jalen, Wow! It is amazing how obvious people make their discrimination. You did not answer the 2 questions in the prompt and lost some points for that. You did a great job summarizing the article.
