Thursday, November 4, 2010


If you're not completely brainwashed by the media or just completely ignorant this comic strip will make a lot of sense.

1.What I've learned about the Middle East is that it's a hot, dry desert with a bunch of "terrorists " hiding in spider holes which NOBODY can seem to find. The war is all about OIL, there is lots of it in the Middle East and that is why we are fighting over there, NOT because the "terrorists" "bombed" the world trade center but in the reality of that event it was planned by THE U.S. GOVERNMENT yes, that's right OUR "faithful","uncorrupt","caring" government was behind the whole damn thing but most people don't believe that because they've all been systematicaly brainwashed by the media or there are just too many ignorant people in this damn country.

2.what I have heard from others about the "WAR ON TERRORISM" is that it's about stopping terrorism, capturing osama bin laden, and because they bombed the world trade center which is a load because the media LIES. 3. What is terrorism? I'll tell you what it is it's a label that THE U.S. GOVERNMENT made up to justify what we're doing in the Middle East. well i've seen right through their LIES AND DECEPTION I know what this war is really about it's about OIL !!!!!! which is the worst reason to start a war!!!!!!!4. what the middle east and terrorism have to do with one another?.......absolutely nothing the U.S. GOVERNMENT decided to say that they were linked.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ok james, you are absoulutly wrong, the war in the middle east is definatly not for oil, we get very little of our oil from the Middle east. We get it from Venezuala and Alaska. The reason why we are fighting is because of National Security. Before you start to blame the US government of making war over there because of oil, think about al the US soldiers that have died for you and me protecting our freedoms in our contry so we dont end up like iraq with a coruppt leader and terrorists. You should be very proud that you live in a free country like this one.

  3. how did they brainwash us. most things you said were true but i think you take these things way to far

  4. Things that you said could be true james. But thats from a few peoples point of view. So you can't just excpect them to be true. But some of these things like were in it for their oil that is most likely true though.

  5. James i think you have a few valid points but i think you might wanna rephrase what you are saying because you are coming out to sound like a lunatic. Yes our country might be in the war for the oil but haven't empires and kingdoms of all ages sieged war against another for the resources another has? So regardless you cant just go calling our country terrible, and i really really doubt the fact that they put fluoride in our water, yes they have done experiments with it but they have never used it on large groups of people. Sorry bud but i think you are totally wrong.

  6. James, You clearly represent one perspective regarding the U.S. government and the Middle East. I encourage you to continue to support your argument while being open to new information that you will learn in the class. Support your ideas with logical and research based information and others will be more likely to be open to your point of view. Overall, great post! Remember, this is an academic document and should contain no inappropriate language. Remember to capitalize at the beginning of sentences.
