This course will provide students with an overview of terrorism in the world today. It will focus on the conditions of the Middle East, which have led to an ongoing conflict between radical Muslims and the west. The course will cover early conflicts from the time of the Crusades up to the present day. Included in this will be the rise and fall of the Caliphate, the goals of modern terrorists and their methods, and the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Dan Masse

Monday, November 8, 2010

I don't remember very much about the Middle East. I know that the middle east is mostly built of 3 religions such as: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. The temples in the middle east are built off of each other. In the beginning their religions were closely related and then they started to change. Since all 3 religions claim the area, they are constantly fighting. The US is currently supporting Israel, which could be making the Muslims or certain Islamic groups mad. Which could be a major reason for terrorist attacks on the US.
Most of the things i have heard people talk about the middle east was concerning oil. Some people have said peace is right around the corner in the Middle East. They don't have very strong central government in the Middle East, they're not a very well organized government. Its a very tribal area, they have been at war for a long time. The people themselves don't have very much say in what happens there. People lose there homes, they are looking for someone who can help them.
Terrorism is when someone tries to gain control of something, to make you feel threatened and that they have power over you. During 9/11 they made everyone feel threatened by bombing our buildings, to scare or intimidate other people. They are bullying other people into doing as they want.
The middle east is has to do with terrorism because that's where a lot of the terrorists are coming from. Certain groups of people such as Islamic are trying to gain control of other countries such as the US. As an example as i previously mentioned the 9/11 attack on the twin towers. They were showing there power.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Tyler Barney

2. I have never once heard anyone say anything good about the middle east, most people say that they are terrorists and such and how much they wish we would nuke them and get it over with.
3. Terrorism in my opinion is the act or planning of killing of a specific ethnic group, race, religion, or country inhabitants without probable cause to give them the right to do so. I also would categorize it as the installment of terror within a group of people to put them under your will.
4. Personally i beleive they do not have much to do with eachother besides the fact that most of the attacks are from people who lived, live, or have been in the middle east. Besides that there would be nothing to link the two, our government i believe has put a little too much effort into getting us to believe what they want.
Thursday, November 4, 2010



2. I haven't heard much about the middle east. I have heard that terrorism is bad because they are trying to kill us.
3. Terrorism is when someone trys to corrrupt the government and kill us. This could happen when people try to send bombs over through airplanes or packages. Thats is all I really think terrorism is.
4.Middle East and terrorism have to do one another because most terrorist attacks have came from the Middle East.



2.) I have heard a lot of dispute over weather we should still be in Iraq fighting or why we should not. I never really payed much attention but I see everyday on the news the people who have died or their vehicles been blown up by road side bombs. I've heard people saying that we're never going to get out of the middle east because we are after Osama Bin Laden. My mom told me that Osama Bin Laden is hiding in the mountains in Afghanistan and why we can't just go in there looking for him. I beleive she told me it's because were not aloud in Afghanistan, and even if we were, the mountains are huge, and the Afghanistan people would probally protect Osama Bin Laden anyways. She also said that there are lots and lots of tunnels that go through the mountains and so you would probally never find him if you tried. I also learned that when we went to Iraq, we caught the dictator Saddam Hussein and the people of Iraq made a public hanging of Hussein. I also remember something on the news of this man who got a video of the hanging with his cell phone. They were interrogating him weather he took the video for the news media or not. But all I knew was that we were not aloud to film the hanging.
3.) I beleive terrorism is an act of violence towards ones own goverment and country. Things like trying to form a group to overthrow their country's goverment or who are against their own country and cause havoc towards their country. I also beleive terrorism doesn't always have to be an act of violence like shootings and bombs against one's country. I think it can also be in polotics if they're is a political group attempting to overthrow the goverment through polotics. Other than that I cant really explain my view on terrorism better than that.
4.) The Middle East I think has had a lot of terrorism acts because of all the different religious groups there, there are the Jews, Muslims, Israelies, Palestinians, and many other different other religious groups. I think each religious group is trying to bring the middle east under one religion, therefore there has been a lot of conflict between them. I am also aware of the problem between the Israelies and the Palestinians, and their long history of who should control Israel, and that also the christians think that they should control Israel, so I think Israel is one of the most dangerous places to be, and is the sole center for where one might see and call it terrorism.


- 2. I have heard people say so many different things about the Middle East. I have heard them say that the Middle East is horrible and they have a corrupt government and that we should just take them over. I have heard on the news that bombs have been found in different places in the world. I have heard that Osama bin Laden is alive hiding somewhere, and I have also heard that he's dead.
3. My definition of terrorism is when a group or even one person, goes somewhere and tries to kill people and may try to take over the government because of many different reasons.
4. The Middle East and terrorism have to do with one another because most of the terrrorism that has happened to the US has come from the Middle East. There is terrorism almost everywhere in the Middle East and that is also a link to why they are connected. We see pictures of people from the Middle East and they have "towel heads" and the people that have their arms or legs blown off from the suicide bombs. The news is focused on the terrorists from the Middle East so we think most of them are from there.





2) I havnt heard much about the middle east because the people i hang around with dont talk about the middle east. Some things ive heard about the middle east is there having wars. The muslims dont like the americans they dont want them in there country.Thats probably about it. Im hoping i learn more about it while im in this class.
3)I dont really know alot about terrorism. when i thinabout terrorism i think about 9/11
4) I think it has to do with one another because the terrorist tht attacked the US
are from the middle east

2. When I think of what other people have to say about the Middle East I always hear things like how 9/11 was a major tragedy or people think the US government set it up so more people will want join the military. I have also heard of allot of people complaining about the terrorist constant bombing attacks in the US. I also hear just people complaining the we are only over there to steal their oil. Even though a lot lot of people complain about it hardly anyone ever even lifts a finger to do anything about it.
3. When I think what terrorism is I think of one country using small or large bombings and shootings to try to intimidate or anger another country. Examples for this I think would be things like Iraqi suicide bombings against us or even the atom bomb we dropped on Hiroshima in the 1945.
4. The Middle East and Terrorism have a lot in common in today's society because a lot of terrorist acts come from Middle Eastern Countries such as Iraq and Iran. Even though they do alot of terrorism today they are not nesiciarily the only area that does terrorism because I consider bombing attacks the US, Brittin, and ect. as acts of terrorism because even though they may have been for a good cause but it still is aggresive bombing and violence.

I dont really remember to much about the middle east. I remember that we talked about the middle east topic in SS9 freshman year, but I just dont remember too much.
I hear a little bit of the middle east here and there. It defenetly is not a every day subject for me, I'll hear a little bit on the news or someone talking about it. That is just about all I hear about the middle east.
I think that terrism is when one country dosent really thret another country but when that basicly attack another county. I know that any type of terrism can do damage to anything because in New York city with the twin towers you can see that, that did effect alot of people. So terrism is a dangerous thing in my oppinon.
Middle East and terrism have to do with each other because most of the terrist live there and there is alot of fighting and some of our soders are over there tyring to fight for our freedom so terrism does not happen again.

What I've heard about the middle east is that everyone in the middle east is a bad person or a radical. I have also heard through our own United States government that we are in the middle east fighting for freedom. There are many little conspiracies about how 9/11 was a government plot to go to war against the middle east. Which sounds reasonable until you stop and think..... Why would we blow up one of our own buildings??
In my eyes terrorism is the act of instilling fear into someone or something. When most people think terrorism they think towel heads. I think of any person who tries to scare me out of doing something. Yes i do sometimes also think that it seems like only the middle east makes terrorists. I do know this is not true though.
The middle east and terrorism are almost synonymous with each other. When people think middle east they think terrorists or 9/11. When I think of the middle east I think of oil. which is why we are fighting over there in the first place. The middle east will always be synonymous with terrorism because of ignorant beings who choose not get informed. The middle east is not all bad. Most people are reasonable there. only the radical bunch are the ones the media spotlight so it gives the middle east a bad reputation. That is all I have to say about that.
Sam Schoff


2) What i have heard about the middle east is that the terrorist are bombing everyday and they kill tons of people and they kill lots of soldiers. My dad always calls them towelheads or just muslim and that the people there act friendly but the soldiers still have to search there house or person because they all are considered terrorist until they get searched.
3) What i think terrorism is that it is a person that terrorises people by making them scared and sad because there are many kinds of terrorist there are ones that blow up buildings or rig a car to blow in a crowded area to send a message to people that they dont like. There is also terrorism going on in the united states because there are people that get recruited over the internet and they think that it is for a good cause because they are gonna go to heaven if they die and get riches beyond imagining.
4) They are good with each other because that is where terrorism was born ever since they were babies they where taught a religion that told them if they die for there country that they will be rewarded.

2.The things I have heard about the middle east is that it would be a very cool place to visit if there wasn't a war or radicalists there trying to kill you. It is a different climate and culture you could learn about. Another thing i have heard is that the Muslims there hate Americans and don't want them in there country.
3. Terrorism in my eyes is when a radical group that includes Muslims or not that cause chaos to other people in the same or different country. The ways they could cause chaos is bombs, hijackings, kidnappings and many other ways
4. The Middle East and Terrorism go together mainly because that's the most prominent activity of terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and others.


2.What I heard about the middle east is that it is a dangerous place full of muslum extremists and Taliban members. I have also heard of the taliban members hiding in schools full of children so they wouldn't get caught by the US army. I have also heard that there are atleast 10 suicide bombers a month. Another thing that I have heard about is that some taliban members have strapped bombs to innocent people and children and detonated them when they walked into a group of people.
3. Terrorism ,to what I understand, is when someone or a group of people attacks someone or kills someone just to instill fear in other people. For example, 9/11 was a terrorist attack because the men behind the attack were trying to instill fear into the government of America and into its people. Since that attack people have become more sensitive to going on planes. The security on planes is higher then secruity then the security at the White House ,practically. The secruity on planes is so high, that if you are even to say the word "bomb" they will cancel the flight and you will be questioned by the FBI and CIA. Its so sensesitive that a baby once said "Bye, bye airplane!" and the flight was canceled and the mother of the baby was questioned. So that just proves the point about how much fear is instilled into Americans.
4. What the middle east and terrorism have to do with each other is that the middle east is the terrorist capital of the world. Also, they both have a big part of America, a big amount of America's money goes to the middle east for oil expenses and weapons for the American troops stationed in Afganastan. The middle east also has to do with terrorism because of the on going war in the middle east over religion. In the middle east I have seen on the news if you even make fun of "mohammed" you can be sentenced to death. So as you probly can tell they don't take lightly to people who believen other things. That is why there are so many wars over there, its all over who believens with right and niether of them think they are wrong.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Please answer the following questions as comprehensively as possible.
1. What have you learned about the Middle East?
2. What have you heard other people say about the Middle East?
3. What is terrorism?
4. What do the Middle East and terrorism have to do with one another?
After you have finished your response please visit another student's response and post a comment that discusses what they wrote in their post. You only have to respond to one other student post. THIS IS YOUR SECOND GRADE FOR QUARTER 2. THIS ASSIGNMENT WILL BE COMPLETED IN CLASS.